“Keep working on you and things will begin to work out better for you. Be the example you expect of others and the rest is easy.”
By Madame Merola (Chapter 66 of G.O.L.D Digger book).
Why working on yourself is a smart move to make...
The power of personal development can never be over-emphasized if you are serious about building a great legacy and living a life of purpose. If you know better you can do better and should do better. There is a quote I like that says that it is not where we start in life, but what we do with life that counts. It is high time we take ownership of our lives and make a decision to work on ourselves and become an evolved and better version of ourselves.
If you read my book, G.O.L.D Digger, it will constantly remind you to look inwards and be the master/mistress of your own change. You have to see yourself as God sees you. If you can change your internal world, your external world will align and change too. Self awareness is key here because you have to be able to see who you are and what changes you need to make to become the person you ought to be. Don’t hide behind excuses and cop out from taking responsibilities for the way you currently are.
You have to invest in yourself in order for the better version of you to emerge. Start walking and eating healthier if you need to get rid of some weight to make you look and feel better. Start to be more present and appreciative of your loved ones instead of waiting for them to treat you better. Learn that new skill or take that course you know will help you in your quest to grow. Hire a coach to help you gain clarity and create a plan that will help you achieve your goals. Ask for help from people that are doing what you want to do
The change you seek is right in your hands. Look within you!
Refuse to allow the past to hinder you from moving forward. Change your address in your mind to the new place you want to be. Find a group of people that you can be friends with that will inspire you to keep growing instead of ridicule or question your new lifestyle. Be a leader in words and in deed by doing what you say and saying what you do. Lead by example and be consistent at it and others will follow. Feed your spirit by praying and meditating for spiritual guidance. Read a book everyday, listen to podcasts that will inspire and motivate you. Watch shows like Live A Phenomenal life Show with Madame Merola to get tips and tools to empower you to keep growing. Utilize your time wisely and keep working on yourself, G.O.L.D Digger!
I hope this post has ignited you to become more intentional about your personal development. Don’t get stuck where you and be stagnant. Grow, my dear one, grow. If you like this post, please share what resonated with you and your thoughts about working on yourself to better yourself. You have to keep digging for your God Ordained Legacy and Dreams (G.O.L.D) to come true.
Make sure you visit my page soon because there are always new posts every couple of days. Till next time, I remain the one and only B.A.N.G Creator.
XoXo from Madame Merola, Chief G.O.L.D Digger.
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